The above photos courtesy of Danny Ponomar at

Monday, July 6, 2009


I have to laugh every time one of our night drivers (whom I have previously posted about knowing what all of the hookers nipples look like) temps off to "grab a sandwich" at 2:30 in he morning.

Now that the McDonald's and Tim Horton's are open 24 hours downtown maybe that is what he is up to but I believe he is interacting with the downtown prostitutes on a regular basis.

I laugh my ass off every time I hear "XX, I need to temp off for a sandwich".

All I ask is please do not get anything on the steering wheel, please Bob.

Washer and Dryer Message

A weird find in a random alley downtown. It is not worth trying to decode the message. Somebody was clearly more bored than I was.

Another Slow Night

Some random alley art in Lethbridge...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Slowest Friday Ever....

I had so much time on my hands tonight I took a few pictures of the High Level Bridge and area.

I barely bothered to flag the bars and if I remember correctly did not have a single flag all night. Every bar I went to had 3-5 taxis waiting in line for a fare. I think my problem for not getting any flags was that I kept moving from place to place. I can not sit in a parking lot and wait indefinately behing 5 other cabs.


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