The above photos courtesy of Danny Ponomar at

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Testing out the Camcorder on Prostitutes

These videos are unedited and are very amature. All in all I spent more than an hour downtown tonight and saw at least seven prostitutes and was openly propositioned by two of them. I left the downtown area after I thought they were on to me.

I was parked downtown at the XXXXXX Sub Restaurant at around 11:30pm.

Marsha standing on the corner.

Marsha standing on the corner 2 (alternate light capture).

Marsha looks pregnant photo.

Marsha gets picked up and I follow, leads to nothing really.

Here is the pimp, I saw him with numerous prostitutes tonight and it was quite clear that he is definately a pimp. It only took me half an hour to figure this out. Not sure where the police presence is considering they announced that they are ramping up efforts to curb prostitution, which is still rampant.

Closup photo from video of the pimp.

Photo of the pimp's truck.

Photo of the pimp's liscence plate.

Cruising behind the XXXXXX looking for action. None found.

All in all the camcorder test went well. I look forward to posting more videos as they come along.


All videos and pictures removed from this site.


Anonymous said...


Chris said...

Marsha pregnant?! My god, that means some poor bastard actually got with her without double-wrapping? Bet he's regretting that now lol

Loving the blog, by the way :) Reminds me of the bad old days a few years ago when I actually knew most of the people you mention...gotta love the rock. Introduces you to a whole new lifestyle...that leads nowhere ;)

Unknown said...

Appreciate the comment.

I do not know for a fact that she is pregnant, just from observing it looks as thought she has gained some weight in that area.

I have also heard that she only gained the weight from being in the psych ward.

I really do not know conclusively if she is pregnant or not.

I would love to see the Maury episode with the 100th guy she thinks is the father of her baby.

Dawn said...

Again, unfortunate that all of this was removed. It's pretty interesting, in my opinion. Not like I know many people here, so the whole identity protection thing is a bit wasted on me. But really really interesting stuff!


All comments are welcomed.

I will only delete comments that are spam/advertising or comments that are not written in English.