The above photos courtesy of Danny Ponomar at

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lethbridge Restaurant Inspections

I stumbled upon the Alberta Health Services website today and was left with an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Needless to say I will be avoiding these restaurants in the near future.

If you have fallen ill after eating at the Park Place Mall Smitty's or the Center Village Mall Smitty's contact the owner directly at 403-328-0753, or 403-394-1840, 39 Tudor Court South. Isele Hans, and give him a piece of your mind.

Smitty's Family Restaurant (PPMall)
501 - 1 Avenue S
Lethbridge AB T1J 4L9
Owner: Hans Isele

No less than 32 non-compliance issues within the last six months. Has not received a pass rating in recent history.{07E55851-1801-4534-845B-D29A871FF2B8}

Humpty's Family Restaurant (Scenic Dr.)
205 - Scenic Drive S
Lethbridge AB T1J 4M6

No less than 26 non-compliance's related to food safety and health violation issues within the last six months.{1589F0B3-276A-48BB-8E7F-42EB1A13B66D}

Smitty's Pancake House (CVM)
10 - Centre Village Mall N
Lethbridge AB T1H 0E4
Owner: Smitty's Pancake House operated by H. Isele Ltd.

Although they have received two passes by the Alberta Health Inspectors within the last six months no less than 51 non-compliance issues have been reported.{925447AA-05D4-4D6E-8E68-C647A42CC904}

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Pulse Nightclub Opens August 27th, 2010

Pulse Nightclub opened their doors for business last night in Lethbridge with mostly positive reviews.

Some people were disappointed they did not make more changes to the former Roadhouse Bar and Grill (AKA  The Stab House). One such customer said "All they did was paint the walls grey and threw up a couple of banners".

Other customers commented on the increased security and in general most people seemed to have had a great time.

Another customer said "It doesn't smell like piss anymore, it actually smells clean, they moved the men's washroom to a more central location and added additional stalls so guys can piss, puke, and bleed in a more convenient location".

XXXXXX suffered the most notable loss in business to Pulse and I fully expect that trend to continue. In my opinion XXXXXX is a hole in the wall and it would not take much for Pulse to provide a more aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.

I am not surprised a lot of my suggestions of what they should do with the building actually happened (link to post).

I believe Pulse will continue to be a popular hot spot for the younger crowd, as the Roadhouse once was.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Party Bus Allegedly Pulled Over For Underage Drinking...

A XXXXXX Limousine party bus was pulled over Monday evening before midnight at 3rd Avenue South and 5th Street.

At first it appeared as though the police were dumping liquor on the ground outside of the vehicle. I pulled up beside the scene a fair distance away and could hear someone say "Is anyone here eighteen" (I am unsure whether or not it was the police or a passenger). The police were interrogating the passengers as they were lined up on the sidewalk with multiple police officers on the scene. There were approximately twenty passengers.

At least four police cruisers were involved in the situation as well as two bike patrol officers.

The crowd slowly dispersed after questioning and a female passenger was especially upset about the incident. The police dumped a lot of liquid onto the street (I am sure it must have been alcohol). At one point there was liquid being dumped directly from the rear underside of the vehicle. I was unsure of what it was but it was streaming from the bus, maybe there is a built in bar with a keg or something on the bus.

Anyway.... I do not believe any arrests were made but I do believe that the driver of the party bus received some sort of ticket because he was looking at a piece of paper as he walked back to his bus from the police cruiser.

The people that were on the bus dispersed into Galt Gardens.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

First Couple of Days Back..../ Parked Car Incident

I was pretty nervous on Friday night. I had not driven a taxi for around 4 months and was worried I would fuck up somehow or not remember where even the simplest of places were.

My second trip I picked up a family at XXXXXX. I got out of the car to help with the groceries and immediately noticed the daughter, she was maybe 18ish. She was wearing a revealing top and must have had EEE  tits (if there is such a size)  just dangling from her young chest. My god I tried my best not to look but just could not help myself.

So this girl decides to get in the front with me while her mom and guy get in the back. Long story short I was nervous. I mean come on, having the most gigantic tits flopping around on a young woman right beside you while her mom is in the backseat is nerve racking.

So I was about two houses away from their place when BAM! I hit a parked car, the noise was loud and it was obvious. I acknowledged that I thought I hit the vehicle on this narrow side street while passing an oncoming vehicle. I got paid and they said the other car was too far away from the curb, which it may have been but I still hit the fucking thing.

I helped them with their groceries and had a "second, or third and fourth, look if you will", I know I probably sound like a pervert right about now but that is untrue, I am just male.

So I went to look at the car I hit and there was no damage whatsoever, our mirrors had contacted each other and there was nothing further to be done.

If I have anything else to say about this post it is this... to the mother "I know it must be hard, and perhaps even expensive, finding a suitable bra for your daughter but you have to come up with something, next time I am going to pop a huge boner while I unload your toilet paper and other shit. I only wish she had somehow drowned so I could have given her mouth to mouth.


I met a guy Friday that was telling about when the XXXXXX was foreclosed by the bank and the new owners had found about 30 mattresses in the basement, along with syringes and crack pipes. He promised to get a hold of me so I could upload the photos that were taken, I am unsure whether that will happen or not but I believe the story, which may be completely false. If I had the pictures I would be able to prove the story, but until then it is just here say.


Saturday night was slow as hell, I think I made three dollars during my first two hours on shift. It ended up as a somewhat decent night. Basically I worked for eight hours for absolutely nothing but was rewarded handsomely during my last few hours during the bar scene.

XXXXXX was crazy tonight and I believe that when XXXXXX opens next week they will lose a lot of business. Apparently DJ. XXXXXX is playing the old XXXXXX for their opening.

That's enough for me tonight.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

One More Time

I will be back in the drivers seat tomorrow evening and you can expect more stories to follow.

With the influx of new students in Lethbridge it just seems like the right time to get back into the business. I basically took the entire summer off and am bored out of my mind. I need some excitement and believe me driving a taxi can be an invigorating experience, to say the least.


All comments are welcomed.

I will only delete comments that are spam/advertising or comments that are not written in English.