I have found that I write about natives and crack whores far too often and will try to steer my topics elsewhere.
The night started off extremely slow. I found myself pacing in the office wondering when I was going to make some cash.
Thankfully between 11:00pm and 3:00am taxis were in high demand. The bars were very busy and likely due to all the weddings happening in the city. People were dressed to the nines. I picked up a native dude in a suit at the Roadhouse. That is extremely unusual.
Some Random Trips.........................................................
I picked up this elderly lady from a old age home earlier in the evening. I asked her how she was doing and where she was going. She said she was fine and that she was going far away.
I asked her where she wanted to go exactly, and again she says it is far. She then mentions 12 st a and I ask whether it is North or South. She said again 12 st a. I asked her for the house number and she started listing off different streets that she knew or whatever... it sounded like this ``12 st a, 4th avenue, 12st, it`s far away, you know where I mean, by 10th avenue... 21st street, 3rd avenue, far away``.
I was confused but gathered that it was on the South side on 12 street a. She then pulled out a piece of paper with the address written on it. It turned out not to be the correct address of where she was going but it was close.
I told her I was not sure where she wanted to go and she guided me to the address. She had a key to the house and I waited for her to get inside.
She was a very pleasant lady. I think maybe she has a mild case of Alzheimer's. She tipped me $10 or 100 percent of the fare for being patient and courteous with her (at least I think those were her reasons). I especially made it clear that she had given me a $20 and asked again if she was sure she did not want any change. I do not take advantage of anyone, especially an elderly lady.
I picked up the crazy lady that thought I had run over someone and almost killed a few people in a parking lot while I was going 5kmÉhr. That happened a few months ago.
This time she had a ham with her that was somewhat covered with tin foil.
While she was getting in I asked her how she was doing, she responded by saying ``what do you think I am a cunt or a bitch``, I said no I ask all of my customers that.
I tried to recall her memory of when she had thought I ran some people down in a parking lot while driving her to a bar. She explained that she did not have her glasses on. HA HA CLEARLY.
She begins to tell me that she is abused by her man. Not only physically but emotionally, she started crying. She told me the next bruise that he gives her she is going to leave him.
The tears were running down her face and she was clearly upset. I tried my best to console her and basically said there was not a whole lot I could do for her, but that she should involve the police the next time anything happens.
She did not want to get out of the car, I think the was scared. I didn`t know what to do or say. Her last words of advice were ``never have kids``. It was strange.
The guy I mentioned earlier in the Suit at the Roadhouse... I pulled up close to the bar and he immediately offered me $100 to get him home. He said he lived on the West Side and I said that was way to much money.
He offered me $50 to take him home, of course I accepted. After we started going his girlfriend was quite pissed off at the price, even thought the guy didn`t care about the money I gave him $10 back anyway. I ran the meter and it was $15 once we arrived. He was more than happy just to get home.
As pissed off as his girlfriend was it was HIS offer to pay me that much and not my request.
I picked up three doctors (I presume) from the Casino and the entire trip back to the hotel they were talking about how to change the Canadian Health Care system, more specifically the wait times in Emergency rooms. They had some interesting ideas.
I picked up four people from the Letbridge Transit Headquarters. They were returning from a golf tournament and arrived on a private bus. I watched the bus unload and it seemed as though everyone was emptying their beer cans in the parking lot.
They gave me their address and I knew the house. It can be a tricky place to find but I drove there like I lived there. Upon arrival the guy says, ``man you really know your way around`` and I said ``I know your two daughters``. It came out kind of wrong and everyone but him started laughing, someone said ``that explains it``. I made sure to mention that I did not know them personally but had picked them up before.
The one girl works at a Source Adult Video store. She claims not to even like porn. I don`t know about that, who the hell works at a porn shop that doesn`t like porn. I remember her mentioning that a lot of older men like to rent the young gay twinks porno and that it sickened her, also a popular rental was super fat women.
The other daughter works at BK and looks like a complete slut, even for a high school girl.
I picked up a group from the Sound Garden tonight and a man told me the final destination, followed by ``you know right next to the crack house``. I knew the address and personally gave him my condolences because I know he is trying to sell his house but has the shittiest neighbours in Lethbridge, so nobody wants to buy it (I had not previously met this guy). I have picked up hookers from his neighbors house and even dropped a guy off there that had a huge gash in his arm that required medical attention, I doubt he ever got any. That house is notorious and he said the police can do nothing about it.
He mentioned that the crack house was taken care of because he had paid someone $1000to burn it to the ground. Another guy in the back seat said he would do it for $500 but apparently the deal was already made.
(remember the red cross trip from that place, for me only)
I had a puke scare tonight and her friends were basically counting down how long it was going to take to get to the house to puke. ``fifteen, fourteen, thirteen...`` It wasn`t really that bad but I am certain she had a rough morning.
Fucking guy who works at the Casino. I like you but I have no tripped you at least twice because you have dissapeared some how and you are never waiting for your cab. I waited five minutes at the employee entrance for you and said fuck it, I drove to the main entrance and pulled a $75 flag, the trip went all over town. I have doubts that they were all going to make their 8am tee time, especially the first guy. Good guys, excellent trip.
I think one of the guys was the owner of Scores, at least from his Visa Statement.