The above photos courtesy of Danny Ponomar at

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thank You / Random Pictures...

I was completely stuck in this mess for about 10-15 minutes along 6th Avenue South around 15th Street. The picture does not do it justice and I should have known better than to park there (letting someone off) in the first place. It did not help that the tires on the car were completely worthless.

Thank you very much to the guy walking his dog and another random motorist who stopped to assist me. It was very much appreciated and I thank you very much. Once you had gotten me free I hope you heard me yell out my window "Thank You Very Much" because I never did stop to formally thank you.

(Picture taken later)

In case the sign is not clear enough it means "do not put cans in this bin", and "do not look through my garbage looking for cans because you will not be rewarded".

I thought this was strange... Behind the XXXXXX restaurant downtown. The hand print looks deliberate but from whom and for what purpose I do not know.

Giant Icicle formation.

Retiring the map. I have to say that I rarely use the thing. The damage was done mostly just from carrying it around.

I had a few editing problems with this post but who cares.


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures, no snow out here yet, just threats that it might.

Unknown said...

Where is "out here"?

Sure said...

Great snaps...especially the map


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I will only delete comments that are spam/advertising or comments that are not written in English.