This was not my fare but apparently she passed out in the cab. The driver had to look through her purse to find out where she lived. Once they arrived at her house she awoke briefly only to find she didn't have any house keys. She was locked out of her house. She passed out again.
The driver had to phone her mom in a different city to find out what to do with her. She had passed out in the car for around an hour, if I got my story straight.

At least she got stuck with a decent driver who probably would not have assaulted her in any way.
Not like certain day drivers who molest handicapped women.
I guess the handicap molester was never formally charged because he asked her if he could touch her and she said yes (in her mental capacity it should have sounded like a no).
But she still takes rides with us so maybe she made it up, maybe she liked it, who knows. Enough about that.
I just remembered about another day driver that was caught by a police officer while he was licking some random woman's pussy. I think he ended up with just a verbal warning. Obviously in this case the woman wanted it and hopefully was not mentally challenged in some way.
"Eating Out"
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